KAMI The Movie  

Posted by Izwannuddin in

Hidup ini memang palat, tapi esok masih ada.

Itu ungkapan terakhir dari Abu, yang ditinggalkan buat Lynn dan Ali. KAMI the movie, menepati cita rasa aku. Watak yang menjadi titik tumpuan diseksa sehabis mungkin secara dalaman.Nak menangis pun ada.Lynn, Adii, Abu ,Ali dan seorang lagi watak perempuan yang ngada2(Sofie), adalah watak-watak remaja masa kini, yang bergelumang dengan konflik dalaman yang kadangkala melangkaui rasional golongan dewasa. Mereka terpaksa dewasa sebelum waktunya, dan mereka kalah dalam semua konflik.Ini kisah persahabatan dari luaran, tapi mereka sendirian didalam diri, dan akhirnya ada yang menghancurkan diri sendiri.

Kalau dari segi lakonan, cuma watak Abu yang dapat diangkat lakonannya, wajah melankolik dan gurauan dapat dimainkan dengan baik. Watak lain selain dari Abu ,Ali dan Lynn, ekspressi boleh dikata hampir kosong, tapi itu amat baik bagi watak manusia yang adakalanya kosong diwajah tapi menyimpan seribu rahsia dijiwa.

Filem ni aku bagi 5 bintang la...Puas hati,wajib tengok Aku puas menonton filem ni, ya, watak Abu, Lynn dan Ali mencarik hati aku, dan watak BOy(tokan dadah yang ada wawasan).Watak Sofie tu kalau nak cuci mata tu bole la..

Character Description
Lynn is a small town girl who dreams of pursuing journalism and traveling around the world. In her spare time she writes her own fanzine called KAMI under the pseudonym Teka Teki. Independent and streetwise, Lynn makes extra pocket money by selling her fanzines and her homework to the kids at school. But in an attempt to gain more cash to replace her old computer she unwittingly gets herself embroiled with a drug-dealer named Boy forcing her mother to make the decision to move the family to KL. As they adjust to life in the big city, Lynn soon finds herself making new friends.

There is Ali who, apart from struggling with a lack of self-confidence that gets in the way of making and performing his own music also finds himself tempted to go back to his pill-popping days to help cope with his parents’ crumbling marriage due to his father’s failing business.

More comfortable portraying herself as the airhead flirt Sofie is in fact the smartest of the group, aching to be taken seriously for her brains rather than her looks. But like Ali, she too grew up watching her parents’ marriage disintegrate. Her mother’s second divorce feed on her insecurities and eats into her brief but intense relationship with Ali.
Although she is now back with Zarul, an old boyfriend, her feelings for Ali are distracting her from her plans to further her studies. Adding to her confusion is her mother’s reluctance to let her go.

The joker of the group, Abu, is Ali’s steadfast friend and the girls’ willing ally who falls into a self-destructive cycle of petty theft and gang fights after his older brother, Zul, is mugged and killed. Getting caught stealing and being sent to a juvie home all but severs an already deteriorating relationship with his father, leaving him drifting aimlessly towards an unknown future.
Adii , Ali’s cousin, is the rock that holds the group together. She does her best to stay positive under circumstances that are pulling the friends apart, but the mysterious disappearance of a guy she met on the Internet has left a mark. While she tries her best to carry on with her life, she can’t help but hope she will finally meet the guy of her dreams.

This entry was posted on 9 October 2008 at Thursday, October 09, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


hrm. interesting. should watch this movie =p

9 October 2008 at 01:27

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